Sunday, November 2, 2008

Is it Tuesday YET?

Just in case anyone has been living under a rock, just wanted to remind you that this Tuesday you have to do your civic duty and VOTE!!!!!

I don't know about anyone else but I will be happy when Tuesday comes and goes.......
I'm very tired of it all...... (how many more times do we have to see Tina Fey act like Sarah)

Teachers in our parish have to go to school on Tuesday but no kids---so it's kind of like a holiday except I still have to wake up early. Mom and Dad will come over here and watch the girls.
Guess I'll go to the poles and cast my ballot for my guy before I head to school. Maybe we won't have to stay all day.

Steven still hasn't downloaded the halloween pix for me....but we had a great halloween evening.
The girls have WAY TOO MUCH candy here!!!! Sugar high!!!!!!! I think they were eating candy in church today (and why wouldn't they?) So pix will be forthcoming.

ok, don't forget to VOTE!!!! Did you know it was for the President of the U.S.??? :) Of course you did!

1 comment:

Mab said...

ok, I am not going to the North or South Pole to do my voting...I should have said I'm going to the polls. Bad me.