Sunday, November 2, 2008


I forgot to mention that the girls and I went to see HSM 3 on Saturday----
and we all 3 LOVED it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Sutton girls give it 2 thumbs up---or should I say "6 thumbs up." Dad opted not to go with us--he stayed home and watched football games on t.v. (imagine that!)

We can't wait for it to come out on DVD.

The question is, E and Em, which one of the three HSM's did you like best---
their answer in unison was "3"---and I have to agree!!!!

You must go see it!!!!!!!! (you'd think I was in it and I'm getting royalties from it huh?---oh I wish!)

Have a great week everyone! and remember, don't forget to vote on Tuesday! (it's for President---did you know that?) :) ----Susan--you think I'm on my pain pills don't you?

1 comment:

Susan said...

Yeah, I'm a little concerned about your frame of mind. :o)

I voted last week!