Thursday, October 30, 2008

Boo!!! Tomorrow's Halloween!

We just love Halloween at the Sutton house. Tonight we got the bags of candy ready to hand out to the kiddies who come by the house (dad will probably stay home and hand out the candy---
he likes doing that). We Sutton girls----a.k.a. Mom the witch (a good witch of course), E, the pirate "Elizabeth" from Pirates of the Caribbean and Em, a cutie scarecrow will walk the streets of our happy neighborhood begging for candy. We'll meet up with our neighborhood friends and have a fun time. We are soooooooooooooooooooooooo happy Halloween is on a Friday and no school the next day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yipee!!!

We promise to take pictures and we hope to post them soon.....along with pictures from granddaddy's birthday like we promised.

Happy Halloween to everyone!!! Have fun trick or treating! Don't eat too much candy!

Oh, tomorrow our school is letting the kids dress up for Halloween. I so want to call a sub!!!!
What a day it will be....they are supposed to come as a character from a book. We'll see how that goes. We only let them dress up about every 5 years or takes us that long to re-coop from the chaos that will be caused. :) :( I think I might have to show a movie............
hope no one comes to "observe" me. Hey, I'll make it an educational movie.


Susan said...

Can't wait for photos of the two Sutton girls. I sure hope they have a great time.

I don't know if Miss Spicy Girl is going to participate or not. They're supposed to wear their costumes to school tomorrow so they can "march" in their Halloween parade (down the hall at school). I tried to get her excited about her costume for a few days now, and I think she'd rather take a beating than dress up. The girl is just too much.

Kelli said...

Can't wait for the halloween pics!

I showed a movie today- even the high school kids were wound up! It was Radio....a good message!