Thursday, October 9, 2008

Someone's Almost 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Birthday Petunia!!!!! Your Nanny loves you!!!!!
Tomorrow, October 10 my favorite little Petunia will turn 2......I can't believe it!
(I finally got steven to download these pictures I took while in TN visiting she and Sue in July---or was it August---I can't think any more???) And everyone, Sue is right----it's very very hard to take a photo of Miss Priss. :)
Have a great day cutie pie!!! Your gift will be in the mail soon!!!-----I'm getting just like your mom in the getting gifts in the mail on time department! E and E send big hugs your way. Wish we could celebrate with you at your house!!


Susan said...

Yay! Gotta love the hubby for posting photos for us. Thanks for thinking about my little Petunia. It's going to be so strange saying I have a 2-year old. That's crazy talk, isn't it?

Oh, BTW, thank you so much for getting me started on the wall stickers. Petunia loves them and they keep her busy, especially when we're stuck in the house. MUWAH! We both love you!

Kelli said...

I can't believe it- sweet Petunia is getting so big!