Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Sick sweetie :(

Poor Ebeth is under the weather. Must have caught it from her daddy. She had to stay home from school today with her MawMaw and PawPaw (they are THE BEST!). We went to the doc when I got in from school and they tested her for the flu but that was negative (so glad) but she does have bronchitis (I know I spelled that wrong but I'm tired right now and cannot think very well). She got meds and will stay home tomorrow (with M. and P. again) and should hopefully be good to go on Thursday. She has been pitiful. I so hate when she feels so badly. She ran fever all day and still has some. Hopefully that will soon stay away. We are hoping Miss Em stays well. She hopes so for sure because she gets to have two people dine with her on Thursday at school and she invited her MawMaw and Pawpaw (THE BEST mentioned above) and she would just die if she had to miss that!

Let me run and see if Ebeth has fallen asleep. I hope she sleeps well tonight. She didn't last night. Which meant Mom didn't either. And I didn't the night before (I never ever can sleep the night before going back after a long break from school) so I am one tired woman. No one said motherhood was easy. Can I get an Amen sisters?????

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Amen is right! Why is it that teachers never sleep the first day back from any sort of break? It is so frustrating to me but it happens everytime. Aiden decided to party around 3:30 last night for an hour so I am right there with you. Hope E feels better soon!