Sunday, January 4, 2009

Root Canal

That's a title you want to see and read about right? Well, just wanted everyone to know that I spent my Saturday a.m. in the dentist chair from about 9:30 unitl a little after noon. I was groggy (to say the least) when I left with Steven then. The girls had stayed at cousins Connor and zane's house to play so we stopped and got them and the when I got home I hit the bed.
I did take one pain pill about 30 minutes later when steven brought it in to me but none after that. I just slept and slept and slept. THE WHOLE DAY! This a.m. I feel pretty mouth is a little tiny sore but I feel fine other wise. (I certainly should be rested by now)
I hope this is the last root canal i have to have done EVER--but certainly for a while anyway.
My birthday is Tuesday--wasn't this a nice gift??? :(

Speaking of nice gifts though, Candace, Todd and the boys made me the MOST DELECIOUS chocolate chip cake for my birthday! It's Yummy times 10. I've had it before and it's always so good! I think I ate 2 pieces yesterday in between snoozing. I havne't even had a chance to call and thank her for it but the girls told her when she called to check on us that I had eaten a piece and loved it (as did all of them). They also gave me a makeup case in the same toille black and white print of the rest of the carry-ons and bags they have given me throughout the years. It's so pretty. Inside there was lots of smell goodies---lotions, soaps, bath gels, etc. And I also got some pretty note cards and a pretty picture frame ( I love frames and have pictures ALL over my house--everywhere!). They outdid themselves on the gift giving. I love everything.

We are skipping church today.....bad us.........steven isn't feeling too great the past 2 days---and he didn't have a root canal---he's had a little fever and just achy and ucky. Steven's mom is cooking dinner for the family (us and steven's brother and sister and their families) in honor of my upcoming bday. The weather is rainy outside. It would be a good day to stay in ALL day.
Wonder if Ms. Sue would deliver??? just joking.

Tomorrow I start back to school after the 2 week holiday. It won't be easy for any of us (even steven has been off all this time--he usually isn't off this long--he's not in the education system).
But I guess we'll have to all go back.

Well, this sure ended up being a long post about a root canal. Glad the r.c. is done!!!

Happy 2009. By the way, don't forgot your regular dental check-ups this year!

1 comment:

Sherri said...

Happy Birthday!! I am sorry you celebrated with a root canal. Good luck tomorrow. I hope you don't have the Back to School Blues too bad.