Tuesday, June 16, 2009

We are loving our summer!

Our summer is going by quickly......but we are loving every minute. The pics are of VBS at our church 2 weeks ago....I was Em's teacher. The theme was Boomerang Express (Australian theme). The kids all seemed to have a good time. Then last week they went out to my parents' house and did their VBS at their church (same theme so Em knew all the answers and Bible verses!). This week Em is taking Acro classes at her dance studio...she has already learned how to do a backbend correctly and she's just had one night there. Ebeth is running a half-mile tomorrow night in a local race. she is pumped about that. We've been doing summer movies and swimming and playing with friends and eating out. And I've been doing some summer cleaning and organizing (that's no fun, but needed). Next week the girls will go to church camp a couple of days and nights. They'll get to go horseback riding among other fun things. They are excited. They go on separate days/nights. Then the week of July 1 we will be heading to Nashville to see Nanny and Lily Ana....for Ebeth's birthday which is July 2. We'll stay till July 7th. We can't wait.
Summer needs to slow down....or maybe we do. Enjoy the pics! sorry i haven't posted in a while. I must do better!

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Why oh why does the summer fly by? It's just not fair! Looks like you are having a great time- missed you this weekend but I know you guys will have a blast in a few weeks!