Monday, August 18, 2008

School's Cool!

Hi! Just thought I had better post so people won't think the Suttons dropped off the face of the earth. We are just busy adjusting to being back at school. I have some sweet sixth graders this year.....3 sets of them for 2 classes each. I think we are going to have a great year this year and for that I am so glad!! I don't want to say too much more and jinx things. More on my classes later on.
Ebeth has three teachers this year in 5th grade and she likes them all. One of the teachers she had last year. She says 5th grade is easier than 4th grade so far. Em has two teachers in grade 2 and loves them both. She has Ms. H. for the third year (she keeps moving up with the kids) and she also has Miss Miley (that's her last name----it's not Cyrus). She didn't have any homework the first week and just had a little today. She's happy about that. :)
Em lost yet another tooth the other day (I promise to put pictures here soon of her) and she got 3 dollars this time from the tooth fairy.
Hubby is doing fine too----I know I never seem to mention him but he does exist. :) We love him, we just don't talk about him all the time. He did, however, send me some gorgeous flowers to school last week with a note that said "have a great year!--love, steven" So, he's a keeper!!!
I've kept him for 12 years now, guess I'll let him hang around for more. :) really, he's a wonderful dad and hubby. :)

Ok, let me run for now. I am going to post pictures one day I promise. I know it's boring to just read isn't it???

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Any man who sends flowers during the 1st week of school is a keeper! Sounds like things are setting up for a great year. It only took 4 days and my kids are showing their true colors. Ah, the joys of having the same kids for 4 (or 5) years- they get way too comfortable after a year or two!