I just finally got the pix downloaded today with the other pix so
I thought I'd tease you. This was on our "sneax" day a couple of
weeks ago. Today is was a little warmer---like in the upper 70's.

102 photo from October 26. Doesn't he look GREAT for his age!
this is a Halloween photo I also promised. More later.
(notice Daddy is wearing Wii pj's the girls gave him for Christmas!)
it using our computer!
I tell mom" She loves it!
e and e playing the Wii (hey, I rhymed)
Ebeth with her new Vera Bradley backpack from Santa.

According to the letter Santa wrote to Em, Miles gets
to stay with us a few more days before he heads up North.
Guess what time Miss Emily woke us up to see what
Santa left her?? 1:59 a.m.-----
We had a fun day of playing the Wii and Wii games and just
enjoying ourselves. Steven grilled steaks for us (and my mom and
dad came over for lunch). Em took a nap around 2 until about 5ish.
Ebeth has been sleeping since 6 this evening and still is.
And I'm about ready to call it a night!
Might have to rest up for after Christmas sales tomorrow!
Lots of great pictures! Looks like Santa was good to the girls! I love the vera bradley backpack!
Oh, yeah, Ebeth is styling with the VB backpack (or as Petunia calls it, a packback). Thanks so much for all the photos. Glad we were able to chat a little on Christmas. You're a real trooper for letting the girls check out their loot from Santa at such a horrible, horrible hour.
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