fun day. E, Em and Ju Ju all got makeovers (updo's and make up and nails
done) at Club Libby Lu (and the Libby Lu's are going out of business at the
end of January so we got these done at half price!!! Even better!
We didn't have our camera with us so we don't have photos of Ju Ju who
was more than lovely too. But I took these when we got home. I had to
take a front shot and then show you the back of their heads too.

give you a front shot. :)
categorize them---angels, snowmen, balls, homemade, etc.
But I got tired and just piled them all up and then put them
in two big boxes carefully. We have a ton of ornaments. Teachers all
over the world have tons of ornaments--it's a given. (I personally
love getting ornaments as a Christmas gift--much better than
a coffee mug. However, I have gotten some pretty cute mugs for
Christmas too.
I thought I had posted a pix of my bare Christmas tree--I'm sure I did
but now it's gone....or I think it is......it was sideways so it wasn't kind of
silly looking anyway (sideways for the picture---I had it straight up with t the decorations...I'm not that crazy yet)
look at the date on the back before I packed Rudolph away.
1 and a half. She looks a little sad---but adorable in all white.
when they got back from their DisneyWorld trip over the
summer. We couldn't wait to put it on the tree this year!
you rock!
I think about 2 years ago---Chicken Little. My girls love
singing "We are the Champions" which was in the Chicken Little
movie to their Nanny Sue--especially over the phone and leaving her
crazy messages. Nanny and the girls absolutely love Chicken Little.
He was here 2 nights ago. Santa left the girls a note that Miles
could stay a few extra days--and he's still here. :) We love Miles!
cards we have gotten. (I still am leaving those up--they are too cute
to put away!)
This a.m. Miles was hanging on the side of our t.v. That little Elf
gets around!!! We love him! WE'll miss him when he goes away till
next Christmas.
Okay, long enough post. It's almost time for New Year's Eve!
What's everyone doing?