Sunday, July 13, 2008

Happy Birthday Nanny!!!!

Today is Nanny Sue's birthday. She is 29 today :) ----- right Nanny???

We wish we could be there to help her and Petunia celebrate! But we are sending big wishes her way.

Make sure you stop by her blog and tell her happy birthday....I don't know how to do that where I can just type "Susan "and you can click on her name and get to her blog but I can give your her
address so stop in and say
Plus you'll see some cute pics of Petunia!!!

Sue, Happy happy birthday!!!! We'll call you later today!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!
(And I'll see you and cutie pie in about a week!!!!---can't wait)
Remember a "few" years back when we were in Switzerland for your birthday---fun times!

1 comment:

Susan said...

Thank you so much, my friend. I feel super special having an entire blog post dedicated to me. I love being 29 (yeah, to what power?) years old!

Petunia and I cannot wait for you to get here. Only 5 more days until we can do some serious catching up.

By the way, I couldn't get your blog to come up for the past few days for some reason. Wonder what was up with that?