This is my dad---he is the best dad in the whole world. Right now if you've been reading my blog you know that he has my youngest and her cousin on a big trip. They are having the best time and saw some snow today----and they'll go play in it some more tomorrow (they are near Yellowstone now)---that being said----that is just one of the MANY reasons why i love him so much. Not every dad takes their daughter's kids on such great trips (he and my mom took our oldest on the same trip a few years ago and each of them also went on the Smokey Mt. grandparent trip too with the cousins). I adored and loved my dad when I was growing up but I love him even more seeing him with my girls as they grow up. It's like seeing myself with him when I was their age. My dad will do anything he can for me, hubby, the girls, my brother, his family-----in fact, he'll do anything for anyone almost----he's just the best. I have always been proud of him----it was the best telling everyone when I was in elementary school that "my dad is a fireman." Who didn't think that was cool? I still love telling people that he was---he's retired now----and by the way, on a side note, my brother has followed in dad's footsteps and is a fireman. He was at every school event for us (unless duty called and he was at work). He was there every time I was crying over some big or little crisis at school. He has seen my ups and downs and been there to hug me every time. He not only cares about the big things in our lives but all the little stuff too. He has the best sense of humor.....i love that about him. He loves the Lord and has shown that to his two kids and 4 grandkids and they (we) see it in him all the time. He loves my mom soooooooooooooooooooo much. They are rarely apart. I hope that my hubby and I can be that way when we've been married over 40 years. This is the first Father's Day in a long time that I haven't actually been able to see him and hug him.....but I'll call him and I sent cards with Em to give him (she can't wait---one is a "singing" card). I am so happy that we do live close to my mom and dad (less than 30 miles) so we see them often. I know not everyone has a dad like mine......I wish they did have one for they would be blessed. I could go on and on about him but I'll stop for now. I'm just smiling as I type this. He would be so embarassed to know I put all this down for people to read......but he deserves this and more.........
Thank you Daddy for loving me and Todd as we grew up and for setting such a wonderful example of good parenting. Thank you for loving E and Em so much. Thank you for loving my hubby and being so good to him too!!
Happy Father's Day! I miss you!
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