Today Ebeth went up to our pastor at the invitation time and told him she had asked Jesus into her heart and wanted to let everyone know and that she wants to be baptized. Steven and I went up with her (we were all sitting in our usual spots in the balcony....Em was at my mom and dad's house for the weekend with cousin Zane.)
Anyway, almost 2 years ago Ebeth had asked Jesus in her heart and told us and had even gone up front at church with many other kids who had done the same at an Upward awards night (Upward is a sports and cheerleading program our church participates in yearly). But she never was ready to officially go forward and tell our pastor and our church. But she was today. Steven and I are so proud of her. And of course we are happy that our family will always be together, here and in heaven. Em hasn't gone forward yet but she too has asked Jesus in her heart.....over the summer.
If any of you who read this want to know anything about Jesus please let me know. :)
I think Ebeth will be baptized in the next few weeks.
Ebeth we love you so much!