Last night, Valentine's night, was the big parade the girls were in. They had an awesome time
throwing beads, cups, footballs and stuffed animals!!! They even got a little wet (yes, it did rain on their parade) but they didn't mind. As usual, I cannot get the pictures downloaded so you'll have to settle for the photo shoot picture that was in the newspaper today (Sunday). Once I (or rather Steven I'm sure) gets the other pictures downloaded you will see the float they were on with the Queen. It was quite an experience for the girls! They looked like they were having SO MUCH FUN when they came by us-----and of course the proud Paw Paw Polly caught it all on tape for us. :) More pictures to come soon!!! Happy Mardi Gras!!! The official Mardi Gras date is February 24th----we'll be off of school that day and the day before (yipeee!!!!).
Nanny, we so wish you and Petunia could have been here to catch some beads and see the girls--you would have been so proud too!