It's been a long time since I've posted. Just fell off the blog wagon I suppose.
Merry Christmas (to the tens of people who read this!---if that many).
Just sitting here thinking about how strange it is not to be deciding what day or days over Christmas break that I want to go to Mississippi and visit Granddaddy. Thanksgiving break brought the same feelings....he had just passed away the week before. I know he is having the merriest of all Christmases this year, but I'm still sad that I cannot see him or give him a big ole hug! Sad for my sweet daddy too....he told steven the other day that it is just hard not being able to pick up the phone and call him to check on him or riding up to MS at least every 10 days to watch him and help him.
It's Christmas Eve and the girls are busy playing in the living room and counting hours away till santa comes. We will go to mom and dad's this evening to celebrate with them and Tood, C, C and Zane. The kids will have such fun. Steven is most happy because just last week he had lasik surgery and now he can SEE without having to wear glasses or contacts after MANY MANY years of doing so!
I am blessed to have such a wonderful family!
Merry Christmas to all my family and friends who are like family!
May 2010 be a blessed year!