We just love Halloween at the Sutton house. Tonight we got the bags of candy ready to hand out to the kiddies who come by the house (dad will probably stay home and hand out the candy---
he likes doing that). We Sutton girls----a.k.a. Mom the witch (a good witch of course), E, the pirate "Elizabeth" from Pirates of the Caribbean and Em, a cutie scarecrow will walk the streets of our happy neighborhood begging for candy. We'll meet up with our neighborhood friends and have a fun time. We are soooooooooooooooooooooooo happy Halloween is on a Friday and no school the next day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yipee!!!
We promise to take pictures and we hope to post them soon.....along with pictures from granddaddy's birthday like we promised.
Happy Halloween to everyone!!! Have fun trick or treating! Don't eat too much candy!
Oh, tomorrow our school is letting the kids dress up for Halloween. I so want to call a sub!!!!
What a day it will be....they are supposed to come as a character from a book. We'll see how that goes. We only let them dress up about every 5 years or so........it takes us that long to re-coop from the chaos that will be caused. :) :( I think I might have to show a movie............
hope no one comes to "observe" me. Hey, I'll make it an educational movie.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
correction---It was just WED
Just posted the below (previous) post and told everyone to have a happy thursday...and it's just WED a.m. for me. I'm crazy. Would you want ME teaching YOUR children? don't answer that!
happy wednesday everyone!
happy wednesday everyone!
My puffy lip.......:(
I woke up from last night's restful sleep and I felt my bottom lip and it felt puffy still from yesterday's "fun." Looked in the mirror and yes, I'll be going to school with more than half of my bottom lip looking totally collagen -filled. Lovely. And I have duty to boot so i'll get to show even more of the jr. high world my new fashion look.
But, no pain in the tooth. I'm looking on the up side. Not the pretty side, just the up side.
Have a good Thursday everyone!
Gotta run---It's 6:30 a.m. here and we have to leave in 30 minutes for school.
But, no pain in the tooth. I'm looking on the up side. Not the pretty side, just the up side.
Have a good Thursday everyone!
Gotta run---It's 6:30 a.m. here and we have to leave in 30 minutes for school.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
dentist visit went fine---glad it's over
Well, had the root canal done as promised today. Started it at 1:00--with a complimentary valium (or the likes of) at noon. Then happy juice over my nose thru out the procedure. I remember parts of things but no pain really. However, my bottom lip is STILL huge....quite lovely. i sure hope it goes way down by tomorrow. Not a great way to show up at a jr. high school tomorrow. I just took another antiobiotic and a pain pill (i'm not in any pain, just don't WANT to be in any) and I'm about to head to bed. I got home from everything about 3:30 i guess. I've watched t.v. on and off and chatted with the girls and ate some soup. And I think they did their homework and things are set for tomorrow. (oh, steven IS around the house and checking on these things as well)
Bottomline......I did survive.........................................(had Gloria Gaynor (sp) tune in my head all day today-----I know it's not about surviving a dentist, but hey---it helped me.) Sing it girls!
Have a good Wednesday everyone!
Bottomline......I did survive.........................................(had Gloria Gaynor (sp) tune in my head all day today-----I know it's not about surviving a dentist, but hey---it helped me.) Sing it girls!
Have a good Wednesday everyone!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Happy 102nd Birthday Granddaddy!!!
Today my wonderful granddad, Mr. Randolph Bennett. turned 102 years young!
We just got in from Hattiesburg, Mississippi where we spent the day with him along with some of my aunts, uncles and cousins (and of course my dad (his proud son) and mom).
I'll post pictures of the birthday boy soon! He cetainly does NOT look his age! It was a beautiful day and we had a GREAT time. Our family is truly truly blessed by Granddaddy. We love him very very much!! He is sharp as a tack and gets around pretty well for someone over a century old. :)
My brother Todd celebrates his birthday tomorrow....he is quite the youngster as he is not quite as old as Grandpop.----It will take him over 60 years to catch up with Granddaddy. :)
Happy Birthday, Todd! And Todd's sweet wife and my wonderful sis-in-law Candace celebrates her birthday this week too on Thursday---so Happy Birthday Candace!!! :) (she's the really young one---compared to the rest of us....barely in her 30's!)
The rest of you October birthday people, Happy birthday and Boo!!!!
Look for pix soon!
p.s. Susan, can you guess how long it took Granddaddy to work his age into conversations at his church today---(that is for the maybe one or two people that didn't already know it was his bday today)----yep......less than 30 seconds.....he's fast....(Susan can attest to the fact that Grandpop can quickly work his age into ANY and every conversation he has....gotta love him for that!)
We just got in from Hattiesburg, Mississippi where we spent the day with him along with some of my aunts, uncles and cousins (and of course my dad (his proud son) and mom).
I'll post pictures of the birthday boy soon! He cetainly does NOT look his age! It was a beautiful day and we had a GREAT time. Our family is truly truly blessed by Granddaddy. We love him very very much!! He is sharp as a tack and gets around pretty well for someone over a century old. :)
My brother Todd celebrates his birthday tomorrow....he is quite the youngster as he is not quite as old as Grandpop.----It will take him over 60 years to catch up with Granddaddy. :)
Happy Birthday, Todd! And Todd's sweet wife and my wonderful sis-in-law Candace celebrates her birthday this week too on Thursday---so Happy Birthday Candace!!! :) (she's the really young one---compared to the rest of us....barely in her 30's!)
The rest of you October birthday people, Happy birthday and Boo!!!!
Look for pix soon!
p.s. Susan, can you guess how long it took Granddaddy to work his age into conversations at his church today---(that is for the maybe one or two people that didn't already know it was his bday today)----yep......less than 30 seconds.....he's fast....(Susan can attest to the fact that Grandpop can quickly work his age into ANY and every conversation he has....gotta love him for that!)
Saturday, October 18, 2008
ROOT CANALS......a lovely thought!
I know that title makes everyone all excited!!!!
On October 28 I get to have one. Lucky me!!! Just thought I'd share my exciting news.
I really was actually trying to download a cute picture or two (of my two cute gals, not my teeth)
and blogger won't let me. So now I'm letting you know about my mouth woes.
Let me tell you this......and it's a terrible terrible thing to admit...but I have not been to the dentist in quite a while....yes, I have missed a few yearly and semi-yearly checkups. The last dental visit I had was in the year.....are you ready....2000. ok, so I am terrible. And this is why I have to have the root canal...actually the first of two. I had to leave school on Thursday because of some HORRIBLE and I mean HORRIBLE pain I was in due to tooth troubles. The dentist took me in (new dentist for me...nice lady doc named Dr. Amy----love her----I mean as much as one can love a dentist) and took x-rays and gave me the "good" news. Need root canals on both sides of my mouth---2 different teeth (I have been having pain on both sides so this wasn't a surprise). I got pain meds, antibiotics, steriods (not sure why I got those...forgot to ask...i'm just taking them because they were prescribed with the rest) and then I was told the home remedy of lots of tylenol and advil combined that I can take instead of pain meds while at school and in place of the pain killers. So in a little more than a week I'll have the root canal....I"ve had 2 before.....quite a few years back....before kids. Didn't enjoy either of those. But Dr. Amy and her staff assure me they will sedate me well. Anything will be better than the pain I endured recently. I'm okay now......the meds have helped. I actually went back to school on Friday....(not back that day I left...no way) and did fine.
Enough of my woes. I'll bet Susan is enjoying this post tremendously since she LOVES the dentist. :)
I'm sure I'll survive my dental procedures as will my bank account. Not sure when I'll have the second root canal....but I do have to have one after Oct. 28 as well. Again, lucky me.
Moral of this story........don't neglect your teeth.............go regularly for exams.
I would rather go to the ob-gyn any day of the week than go to the dentist. I'd rather birth another child with no pain meds this time than go to the dentist. Did I mention I don't like the dentist? Let's just say I've had some rather unpleasant experiences with dentists as a child.
On October 28 I get to have one. Lucky me!!! Just thought I'd share my exciting news.
I really was actually trying to download a cute picture or two (of my two cute gals, not my teeth)
and blogger won't let me. So now I'm letting you know about my mouth woes.
Let me tell you this......and it's a terrible terrible thing to admit...but I have not been to the dentist in quite a while....yes, I have missed a few yearly and semi-yearly checkups. The last dental visit I had was in the year.....are you ready....2000. ok, so I am terrible. And this is why I have to have the root canal...actually the first of two. I had to leave school on Thursday because of some HORRIBLE and I mean HORRIBLE pain I was in due to tooth troubles. The dentist took me in (new dentist for me...nice lady doc named Dr. Amy----love her----I mean as much as one can love a dentist) and took x-rays and gave me the "good" news. Need root canals on both sides of my mouth---2 different teeth (I have been having pain on both sides so this wasn't a surprise). I got pain meds, antibiotics, steriods (not sure why I got those...forgot to ask...i'm just taking them because they were prescribed with the rest) and then I was told the home remedy of lots of tylenol and advil combined that I can take instead of pain meds while at school and in place of the pain killers. So in a little more than a week I'll have the root canal....I"ve had 2 before.....quite a few years back....before kids. Didn't enjoy either of those. But Dr. Amy and her staff assure me they will sedate me well. Anything will be better than the pain I endured recently. I'm okay now......the meds have helped. I actually went back to school on Friday....(not back that day I left...no way) and did fine.
Enough of my woes. I'll bet Susan is enjoying this post tremendously since she LOVES the dentist. :)
I'm sure I'll survive my dental procedures as will my bank account. Not sure when I'll have the second root canal....but I do have to have one after Oct. 28 as well. Again, lucky me.
Moral of this story........don't neglect your teeth.............go regularly for exams.
I would rather go to the ob-gyn any day of the week than go to the dentist. I'd rather birth another child with no pain meds this time than go to the dentist. Did I mention I don't like the dentist? Let's just say I've had some rather unpleasant experiences with dentists as a child.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Sisters, fishers, painters and a missing fence
Then the final pix are a couple in which you see no fence. That's because Gustav blew it right down. Now we have a lovely view of a very busy street and then some apartments. We will soon get the fence put back up.....well, a total new fence that is. Maybe some money will blow in for us too! :) :) Fences aren't cheap...especially right after a hurricane. :(
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Someone's Almost 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tomorrow, October 10 my favorite little Petunia will turn 2......I can't believe it!
(I finally got steven to download these pictures I took while in TN visiting she and Sue in July---or was it August---I can't think any more???) And everyone, Sue is right----it's very very hard to take a photo of Miss Priss. :)
Have a great day cutie pie!!! Your gift will be in the mail soon!!!-----I'm getting just like your mom in the getting gifts in the mail on time department! E and E send big hugs your way. Wish we could celebrate with you at your house!!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Pretty Princesses
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